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HomeLists and Links > Nature in Australia > Alphabetical Wildflower Index > Weeds 1
How to identify non native species which are established in bushland habitats?  These are often referred to as weeds when in our bushland. A weed is simply a plant growing in the wrong place, and are often plants brought into the country or state as a garden flower, but have escaped and thrived. Some may be farm pasture plants which have similarly been able to spread into our native bushland.  Check these useful links.

Department of Agriculture and Food


Department of Agriculture and Food: My Weed Watcher: A smartphone and tablet App. to identify, survey and report weeds and view results online.


The Weed Society of WA


Weeds on WANowandThen


Weeds on Florabase


Friends of Queens Park Bushland


Porteous Park, Sorrento - weeds


Cottesloe Coast Care - weeds  


Plants out of Place - Shire of Mundaring


Weeds Australia for weeds Australia wide with identification tool


This App. for identifying and reporting weeds in Western Australia

From Queensland, but many weeds in common on Weeds of Australia


From South Australia but many weeds in common New Declared plants in South Australia

Bushland Perth 


Other flower or weed identification - Facebook groups


Weeds of Western Australia 


For any plants, weeds, garden, native:What Plant Is That?? (Australia.) 





Plants alien to Western Australia

Arum italicum, Italian Arum Lily, Cuckoo-pint.  Pale green lily with variegated foliage.

Brachychiton populneus, Kurrajong (tree)

Brassica tournefortii, Mediterranean Turnip (yellow)

Briza maxima, Blowfly grass, Large Quaking Grass

Briza minor, Little/Lesser/Small Quaking Grass, Shivery grass, Fly grass

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Can you contribute further photos of these commonly found weeds?  Please Contact Us if you can help.  Thank you.
* Indicates a Declared Weed, which must be reported and eradicated.  However many of these are far too widespread and little control is being undertaken. 
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Acacia decurrens, Early Black Wattle, Sydney Green Wattle, Early Green Wattle


Acacia iteaphylla, Flinders Range Wattle, Willow-leaved Wattle (pods at right)



Acacia longifolia, Sydney Golden Wattle, Sallow Wattle, Long-leafed Wattle, Golden Rods




Allium triquetrum, Three-cornered Garlic or Onion Weed

Amaryllis belladonna, amaryllis, belladonna, belladonna lily, Easter lily, Jersey lily, Marach lily, naked ladies, naked lady, pink belladonna lily

Anredera cordifolia, Madiera Vine. This is a Declared weed in South Australia. 

Arctotheca calendula, Cape Weed, Capeweed

Arctotheca populifolia, Dune Arctotheca, Beach Daisy, Cape Beach Daisy, South African Beach Daisy, Coast Capeweed, Beach Pumpkin, Sea Pumpkin, Dune Cabbage.  Short petalled yellow daisy, broad leafed plant. 

* Argemone mexicana, Mexican Poppy.  A very prickly bush, less widespread than Argemone ochroleuca but a declared weed which must be reported and eradicated.  Flowers bright gold yellow colour.

Argemone ochroleuca, Mexican Poppy.  A prickly bush up to one metre height.  Flowers pale yellow.

Arisarum vulgare, Friar’s Cowl Lily, Cobra Lily, Larus

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There are several different Asparagus species established as weeds

Asparagus asparagoides, Bridal Creeper. 

Asparagus scandens, Asparagus Fern, Climbing Asparagus, Climbing Fern, Snakefeather, Myrsiphyllum. This is a Declared weed in South Australia

Asparagus setaceus, Asparagus Fern, Common Asparagus Fern, Asparagus Grass, Lace Fern, Climbing Asparagus, or Ferny Asparagus.  Has sharp thorns.

Asphodelus fistulosus, hollow-stemmed asphodel, onionweed, onion-leafed asphodel, pink asphodel.  Similar coastal weedTrachyandra divaricate, Strapweed, Dune Onion Weed 


Asclepias curassavica, Redhead Cotton Bush

Babiana stricta, Babiana disticha and Babiana angustifolia, Baboon flower (six petalled flower in shades of purple to white, long green fluted leaves)


Bellardia trixago, (formerly Bartsia trixago, previously Bellardia trixago), Bellardia.  A white and pink Bartsia similar to Parentucellia and Bartsia

Bellardia viscosa, formerly Parentucellia viscosa, sticky bartsia, sticky parentucellia, tarweed, yellow bartsia, yellow glandweed

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Albuca flaccida, Slime Lily, Slime Soldier-in-a-box.  A yellow flowering bulb from South Africa

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Acacia baileyana, Cootamundra wattle, Bailey's wattle, Golden Mimosa

Acacia dealbata, Mimosa, Silver Wattle, Yellow Mimosa

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Bromus hordeaceus, Soft Brome

Arum palaestinum, Black Lily, Black Arum Lily, Black Calla Lily, Solomon's lily, Priest's Hood, Noo'ah Loof and Kardi

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Aira caryophyllea, Silvery Hair-grass, Silvery Hairgrass, Silver grass

Acacia podalyriifolia, Silver Wattle, Sunshine Wattle, Queensland Silver Wattle, Mount Morgan Wattle, Blue Pearl Acacia

Acacia pycnantha, Golden Wattle

Aerva javanicaalso known as Aerva persica, Aerva tomentose, Iresine javanica, Iresine persica, Kapok Bush, Kapokbush, Aerva, Java Aerva, Pillow Bush, Snow Bush, with feathery white flowers along stems

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Agapanthus praecox and subspecies, Agapanthus, Star of Bethlehem, Lily of the Nile, or African Lily, Pretty Poison.  Blue or white.