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Sources used for identification of wildflowers shown on these pages and regions where they occur see Credits
These pages will feature some of the wildflowers we have photographed in Western Australia, and where possible, identified.  If you are able to help identify further flowers, or correct any I may have wrong, please contact us.
Information given for each species will give botanical name, known common names, describe the flower, give time of year it flowered, and where it was photographed, and the areas it occurs in.  Names have been matched to Florabase which has also been used to show distribution.
See some of these wildflower in larger sized photos on our Flickr pages.

Billardiera fusiformis, (shrub form), (formerly Sollya fusiformis), Australian Bluebell, Bluebell creeper, Cummock,Kumuk.  Very similar to Billardiera heterophylla (which was formerly known as Sollya heterophylla).  # Recent research has given reconsideration to the two species, and now they are both considered to be variations within the one species.  Billardiera fusiformis is the preferred name as it dates back to 1805.   

Blue, five petals, cluster, and can occasionally be found with white, pink, or lilac flowers as at right.  Mostly a shrub, but will climb on adjacent vegetation or intertwining of stems can occur above right.  Spindle shaped seed pods with a point at the end signify Billardiera fusiformis which can be seen at upper right.


Bridgetown, South West Region, Western Australia and occurs near Perth, the South West region, Wheatbelt, Great Southern, into the Goldfields and along the south coast to well east of Esperance.

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Billardiera variifolia  Bluebell (above and seedpods at right)
Small purple/blue flowers, five petals, cluster, climber
Bridgetown, South West Region, Western Australia and occurs around Perth, Great Southern and South West regions
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Billardiera heterophylla (formerly Sollya heterophylla), Australian Bluebell, Bluebell Creeper, Kumuk, Kummuk, Cummock, Gumug, Kuruba, Namman.  # See note above that these are now considered variations within the species Billardiera fusiformis. 

Blue, five petals, cluster, on a small shrub. Intertwining of stems can sometimes occur. Elongated seed pods.


Boyup Brook, South West Region, Western Australia and occurs near Perth, the South West, lower Great Southern regions, and along the south coast to Esperance.

Billardiera heterophylla has become an environmental weed in the eastern states. 


Billardiera laxiflora,

White, five petals, on a twiner or climber. Elongated seed pods


Albany, Great Southern Region, Western Australia and occurs mainly near the coast between Cape Naturaliste and Albany, with some locations further north and inland within the South West region 

Billardiera floribunda White-flowered Billardiera
White, five petals, cluster, climber, with flowers larger than Billardiera variifolia and Billardiera fusiformis (photo above right).  Photo above left shows pink in centre of some flowers.  Uncertain if this is from flowers fading or a variation. 
Summer, with a long flowering season.
Bridgetown, South West Region, Western Australia and occurs around Perth, Great Southern and South West regions
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