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Sources used for identification of wildflowers shown on these pages and regions where they occur see Credits
These pages will feature some of the wildflowers I have photographed in Western Australia, and where possible, identified.  If you are able to help identify further flowers, or correct any I may have wrong, please contact us.
Information given for each species will give botanical name, known common names, describe the flower, give time of year it flowered, and where it was photographed, and the areas it occurs in.  Names have been matched to Florabase which has also been used to show distribution.
See some of these wildflower in larger sized photos on our Flickr pages.
HomeLists and Links > Nature in Australia > Alphabetical Wildflower Index > Wildflowers P-6
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Pyrorchis nigricans (formerly Lyperanthus nigricans) Red Beaks, Redbeak Orchid, Red Fire Orchid, Fire Orchid, Undertaker Orchid, Djubak, Jut, Car, Elephants’ Ears (referring to the fleshy flat leaf on the ground that produces the flowers).
Red and white orchid, several flowers along upright stem which comes from on flat leave on the ground.  A frilly red and white labellum (tongue) is hidden under the beak.
Flowers turn black when flowering finishes.
Late Winter
Bridgetown, South West Region, Western Australia and through the Mid West, Perth South West and Great Southern regions and the coasltine from Shark Bay to Esperance 
Ptilotus polystachyus Prince of Wales Feather, Long Tails, Bottlewashers, Green Mullamulla
Tall light green heads on long stems 
Winter, Spring, Summer
Mullewa in the Mid West region, and found in areas through most of the state, including in the Kimberley, parts of the Wheatbelt, and Perth environs with the exception of the southernmost areas of the South West and Great Southern regions and much of the south coast (with exceptions). The known range of this Ptilotus is expanding, and it is considered a weed in some places where it has become prolific.
Ptilotus obovatus Cottonbush (at left)
A bush which in bloom is covered with fluffy purple and white pompoms 
Winter, Spring and early Summer
Yalgoo, and found through much of the state with the exception of the South West, Great Southern and Kimberley regions
Pultenaea brachytropis (at left)
An erect small shrub with yellow and red pea flowers with a slight vein effect of red going into the the yellow banner.  Small slender leaves up the stem. 
Busselton Nannup area and occurs in the Augusta-Margaret River, Busselton and Nannup districts and has been seen near Denmark.
Loricobbia ochreata (formerly Pultenaea ochreata) 2024 (above)
An erect shrub with medium small yellow pea flowers with red markings, with a dark red labellum. Rear of flower has red, with a striped effect, looking like little butterflies on the bush (above right). Elongated oval leaves.  Rounded furry seed pods with a point or 'beak' as above.  Seed pods opening above right. 
Bridgetown, and occurs in the Perth and South West regions. 
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Leaves, or "Elephant's Ears", are pointed, often spotted, and sometimes have a red edge.  These can be prolific each year across the forest floor, although very few flower.  Following fire there may be more flowering, hence the common name Fire Orchid.
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Jennata radiata, (formerly Pultenaea radiata) 2024
An erect small shrub with orange and pink pea flowers.  Small fine leaves up the stem. 
Busselton Nannup area and occurs in the Augusta-Margaret River, Busselton and Nannup districts and has been seen near Dardanup and Mount Barker
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Ptilotus xerophilus (previously called Ptilotus macrocephalus), Featherheads
Green to white oblong flowers on tall stems
Winter, Spring

Yalgoo in the inland Mid West, and can also be found throughout the Pilbara, Gascoyne, Goldfields and inland desert regions, and into the Kimberley

 Ptilotus sp. Porongurup, together with Ptilotus sp. Beaufort River have been combined as the newly named species Ptilotus davisii (2020).   See previous page.
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