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Plants alien to Western Australia

Chamaecytisus palmensis, Tagasaste, Tree lucerne

Chasmanthe floribunda, African Cornflag

Chamelaucium uncinatum, Geraldton Wax. Native around Geraldton in the Mid West region.  Most growing outside of natural range are garden cultivars which have become weeds in native bushland around Perth and the coastal strip north and south of Perth.

Chasmanthe floribunda, African Cornflag

Chenopodium, Antigua hay grass, baconweed, blue weed, chou grass, common lambsquarters, fat hen, fat-hen, fathen, frost bite, goosefoot, lamb's quarters, lamb's-quarters, lambsquarters, mealweed, Nandi blue grass, Nawai grass, netseed lambsquarters, pigweed, pitseed goosefoot, silver grass, white goosefoot, white pigweed, wild spinach.  See Key Server  

Chenopodium album, White Goosefoot, Fat Hen, Bacon Weed, Baconweed, Lamb’s quarters.


Chenopodium murale, Nettle-leaf Goosefoot


Dipogon lignosus, Dolichos Pea, Okie Bean, Cape Sweet-Pea, Mile-A-Minute Vine. This is a Declared weed in South Australia


Diplotaxis muralis, Wall Rocket


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* Indicates a Declared Weed, which must be reported and eradicated.  However many of these are far too widespread and little control is being undertaken. 

Carduus pycnocephalus, Slender Thistle, Italian Thistle, Slender Winged Thistle, Shore Thistle, Winged Thistle, and Carduus tenuiflorus, Sheep Thistle. 

Carpobrotus edulis, Hottentot Fig, Pigface

Carrichtera annua, (Vella annua), Ward's weed

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Conyza parva, Fleabane.  Conyza species are now known as Erigeron 


Cotoneaster glaucophyllus and Cotoneaster pannosus, a large shrub with small white flowers and red berries




   Cotula coronopifolia, Waterbuttons, Brass buttons, Button Weeds





Cotula turbinata, Funnel Weed





Cucumis myriocarpus, Prickly Paddy Melon

  Cymbalaria muralis, Ivy-leaved Toadflax, Kenilworth Ivy, Ivyleaf Toadflax

Cyperus tenellus (a grass weed)

Cyperus rotundus, Nut Grass, Coco-grass, Purple Nut Sedge (common lawn weed)

Cytisus scoparius, English or Scotch broom, Sarothamnus scoparius

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Dietes grandiflora, Wild Iris, Large Wild Iris, Fairy Iris; Groot Wilde-Iris, Fortnight Lily, Butterfly Fairy African Morea Iris Lily

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Cakile edentula, American Sea Rocket

Cakile maritima, Sea Rocket

Dittrichia viscosa, False Yellowhead, Woody Fleabane, Sticky Fleabane, Yellow Fleabane (at right)

Dittrichia graveolens, Stinkwort

Disa bracteata, (formerly Monadenia bracteata), South African Orchid, Devil's Dust
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Centaurium erythraea, Common Centaury. Centaurium tenuiflorum is similar.  Centaurium pulchellum is smaller pink flowering plant with flowers and found around Perth and coastal areas further north. 

Centranthus macrosiphon (annual), Pretty Betsy, Spur Valerian, Long-spurred Valerian, Spanish Valerian, Pink Pincushions (can also be white).  Red species is Centranthus ruber (perennial).

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Cirsium vulgare, Spear Thistle, Black Thistle, Scotch Thistle, Bull Thistle.

Cynara cardunculus, Artichoke Thistle, Wild Artichoke, Desert Artichoke, Spanish Artichoke, Scotch Thistle, Cardoon, Globe Artichoke.

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Cleretum papulosum, small pigface-like yellow flowers, sparkling foliage. 
Calotropis procera, Kapok Tree, Camel Weed, Rubber Tree, Calotropis, Small Crown-flower, Auricula Tree, Calotrope, King's Crown, Apple of Sodom, Auricula Tree, Cabbage Tree, Calotrope, Dead Sea Apple, Giant Milkweed, Indian Milkweed, Kapok Tree, King Edward's Crown, King's Crown, King's Crown Kapok, Prince Of Wales' Crown, Rubber Bush, Rubber Plant, Rubberbush, Small Crown Flower, Small Crownflower, Sodom Apple, Sodom's Milkweed, Swallowwort.  Widespread in the Kimberley. 
Capsella bursa-pastoris, Shepherd's Purse. Tiny white four petaled flowers

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Cichorium intybus, Chicory
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Cicendia filiformis, Slender Cicendia, Yellow Centaury.  Very tiny four petalled yellow flowers. 


Digitaria sanguinalis, Summer Grass, Summer Couch, Crab Grass, Hairy Crabgrass, Hairy Finger-Grass, Large Crabgrass, Crab Finger Grass, Purple Crabgrass, Crop Grass, Burswood Grass.   There are several other similar Digitaria species.

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