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Sources used for identification of wildflowers shown on these pages and regions where they occur see Credits
These pages will feature some of the wildflowers we have photographed in Western Australia, and where possible, identified.  If you are able to help identify further flowers, or correct any I may have wrong, please contact us.
Information given for each species will give botanical name, known common names, describe the flower, give time of year it flowered, and where it was photographed, and the areas it occurs in.  Names have been matched to Florabase which has also been used to show distribution.
See some of these wildflower in larger sized photos on our Flickr pages.
Acacia pulchella Prickly Moses, Prickly Wattle, Prickle Bush, Mindaleny
Yellow, fluffy, all along stems.  Ferny appearance to leaves. Long thorns along stems.
Late Winter, Spring
Seed pods forming in photo at right, in October November. 
Particularly prominent in the first two years following a fire
Bridgetown, South West Region, Western Australia
and occurs through the Mid West, Wheatbelt, Great Southern and South West regions
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Acacia neurophylla, Wodjil, or Broad-leaf Wodjil

Elongated golden blooms along the stem tips.  Foliage elongated phyllodes with midrib and multiple parallel veins, terminating in a point.

Wide bushes with multiple stems reach to five metres high, densely covered in elongated golden blooms in season.  Seeding stage not seen.


Petrudor locality, in the Dalwallinu Shire between Pithara and Kalannie.  Grows from near Shark Bay, through the Mid West and Wheatbelt, and scattered across the Goldfields region.    


Acacia orbifolia, Round-leaf Wattle, Round-leaf Acacia, Round-leaf Mulga

Generally white or cream blooms with yellow pollen, flowers yellow in some areas, single flowers on long stems (peduncles) from the leaf joint.  Phyllodes round to truncate, irregular, and with a spine at one apex.  A shrub growing to 1.5 metres with shrub spreading wider than high. Seeding stage not seen.


Wongan Hills, Wheatbelt region, and found mostly in the Wheatbelt from Coorow to Corrigin. 


Acacia restiacea

A profusion of loosely packed golden blooms on a low multi-stemmed shrub, stems are striated.  No foliage visible on the stems, but bipinnate foliage is sometimes present at base of stems (above right). Buds develop behind prominent bracts (at right).  Seeding stage not seen.


Caron Dam and Latham, Perenjori Shire and Konnongorring, Goomalling Shire.  Grows through the Mid West and northern Wheatbelt, with outliers in the Goldfields and further south in the Wheatbelt.   


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Acacia rigens, Nealie, Needle Wattle, Needlebush Acacia, Nealia, Nilyah

Bright yellow flowers close to the stem, with two or more at each leaf joint.  Foliage long and slender terete (cylindrical) phyllodes which may be straight or curved, to a spine at the tip which also may be straight or slightly curved. Phyllodes are multi-veined, with a yellowish tone to these nerves.  Dome shaped shrubs are multi-branched and are generally from one to three metres, but have been recorded up to six metres.  Curly seed pods, which were not seen. 


Bunjil Rocks, Perenjori Shire, and can be found in the eastern Wheatbelt between Kalannie and Hyden, and in the Goldfields to the east of Kalgoorlie.   Occurs in all mainland states, particularly South Australia.
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Acacia saligna subsp. Southern Forest (ie variant cyanophylla), Orange Wattle, Golden Wreath Wattle Blue Leaf Wattle, Blue Leaved Wattle, Blue-leaf Wattle, Blue-leafed Wattle, Blue-Leaved Wattle, Golden Willow Wattle, Golden-wreath Wattle, Port Jackson Wattle, Port Jackson Willow, Weeping Wattle, Western Australian Golden Wattle, Western Wattle, Willow Wattle, Cujong, Coojong, Kudjong, Kileyung, Kalyung, Quonert, Wuanga, and Biytch.    

An Acacia tree with large sized (1.2 centimetres) round blooms in a golden colour in loose clusters of up to ten blooms on each flower stalk.  Long leaves have short leaf stalks.

August September October, seed pods in seen November

Acacia steedmanii subsp steedmanii, Southern Steedman's Wattle

A medium sized shrub with golden blooms on short stems along the branchlets at the ends of each stem.  Elongated oval leaves with a point at the tip. Seeding stage not seen.


Near Moorine Rock (above) and Boorabbin National;Park (at right) in the eastern Wheatbelt Shire of Yilgarn.  Found mainly in a circle roughlybetween Bruce Rock, Forestania, Bulla Bulling (West of Coolgardie) and Paynes find, with a few outliers north west of this. 

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With around 1,200 species of Acacia in Australia, many of these are found in Western Australia, ranging from tall trees to low growing shrubs.  They are found in all climate regions.  With some, mostly seen only when flowering so without seeing the pods or seeds, positive identification cannot be made.  Those named here are in these cases without a degree of certainty. 
Bridgetown and Boyup Brook, South West Region, Western Australia and Acacia saligna and subspecies are found from Shark Bay to Esperance, through the Mid West, Wheatbelt, South West and Great Southern regions, the coastal Goldfields and extending into the inland Goldfields region.