Caladenia validinervia, (formerly Caladenia sp. Muir Highway), Lake Muir Spider Orchid
A small wispy spider orchid with slender cream
to yellow petals with faint red stripe and red extensions. Those below with broader petals may be a hybrid with Caladenia
varians (formerly Caledenia vulgata) as all were flowering in the same small area.
August September
Caladenia validinervia is a Priority 1 category plant. These are known from only a few (generally less than five) populations, all of which are under immediate threat. They are candidates for declaration as rare flora.
This small Spider orchid, first recorded in 1983, has been confirmed found in only very few locations, between Rocky Gully and Collie; in the Cranbrook, Manjimup, Bridgetown and West Arthur shire areas
A small spider orchid with cream to yellow
petals with faint red stripe and red extensions. This specimen has petals held out stiffly.
August September
Bridgetown, South West Region, Western Australia above left and Wongan Hills above right. Caladenia varians (formerly Caladenia vulgata) is found throughout the South West, Great Southern, Perth, Wheatbelt, and Mid West regions, extending into the Goldfields. Basically anywhere south west of a line between Kalbarri and Esperance
August September
Bridgetown, South West Region, Western Australia
Chamaescilla corymbosa Blue squill buds and foliage in photo top left.