Australia So Much to See
Copyright (C) 2013 All rights reserved
Sources used for identification of wildflowers shown on these pages and regions where they occur see Credits
These pages will
feature some of the wildflowers we have photographed in Western Australia, and where possible, identified. If you
are able to help identify further flowers, or correct any I may have wrong, please contact us.
Information given for each species
will give botanical name, known common names, describe the flower, give time of year it flowered, and where it was photographed, and
the areas it occurs in. Names have been matched to Florabase which has also been used to show distribution.
See some
of these wildflower in larger sized photos on our Flickr pages.
Craspedia variabilis Billy buttons, bachelor buttons, Common billy-buttons, Variable billy buttons.
Yellow, button, single at the top
of a tall stem.
Late Winter, Spring
Bridgetown, South West Region, Western Australia and occurs in the Perth, South West and parts of
the Great Southern regions, with some isolated occurences in the costal strip between Perth and Geraldton and around the south coast
to Esperance.
Corymbia calophylla, Marri, Red Gum, (also Gardan, Gyrdan, Kardan, Kurrden, Mahree, Maree, Marree, Marril, Mundup, Nandap, Nandup,
Ngora, Ngumbat).
A large and spreading eucalyptus tree
Prolific white fluffy eucalypt flowers in bunches, which can
cover the tree in a good season. It is a rough barked tree, which oozes a sticky red sap as shown at right.
December to May
South West Region, Western Australia, and occurs throughout the South West, extending north of Perth and around the Albany area.
Occurrences diminish into the inland Wheatbelt.
Coopernookia strophiolata
Creamy white flowers, with three petals pointing downwards and two curled up and towards each other at the
tip, on a small bush with elongated oval leaves with irregular edges
Kulin, Wheatbelt region, Western Australia, and occurs
through the Great Southern region and southern Wheatbelt, and the Goldfields.
Cryptandra nutans
Small white and pink five petalled flowers, with five prominent white anthers. Distinctive rounded buds. Foliage consists of small hair covered succulent leaves terminating in a point, on a small shrub.
Hyden-Norseman Road,
Goldfields Region, Western Australia, and grows through the Mid West, Wheatbelt, Great Southern and parts of the South West regions,
and extends into the coastal Goldfields to Esperance and further east along the coastal strip.
Cryptandra arbutiflora var arbutiflora, Waxy Cryptandra
A small shrub with white tubular bell shaped flowers along the stems
and found through the South West, Great Southern, into the Wheatbelt, Perth region and to the north of Perth, as well as around Geraldton
of pink at right as flowers fade
Two different Cryptandra species found in August along the Hyden-Norseman Road above. Possibilities are Cryptandra nutans, polyclada,
minutifolia, or myriantha
Crassula colorata var colorata, Dense Stonecrop, Dense Pygmy Weed.
A tiny upright plant with pink to red tinged spikey foliage,
producing minute five petalled white flowers up the stem.
Bridgetown and Boyup Brook, South West region, Western Australia,
and is found from Exmouth to Esperance, and in the Gascoyne, Mid West, Wheatbelt, Goldfields, Great Southern and South West regions.
Crassula decumbens, Rufous Stonecrop, Scilly Pigmyweed, Pygmy weed, Cape Crassula, Spreading Crassula, Gomara decumbens, Thisantha
A tiny prostrate plant with spikey foliage that tends to turn pink to red, which produces a minute flower with four white
petals and four larger green sepals, at the stem tips.
Not flowering when seen in winter
Bridgetown, South West region, Western
Australia, and is found from Kalbarri to Esperance, and in the Mid West, Wheatbelt, Goldfields, Great Southern and South West regions.