Hemigenia teretiuscula
A tubular elongated mauve flower with six petals, with darker dots near centre. Two semi-fused
petals point up, two point down and a larger semi split petal at the bottom. Small very narrow leaves.
Peak Charles National Park, Western Australia. Found mainly in the southern Goldfields region, extending into the adjacent Great Southern
and Wheatbelt regions.
Hemiandra pungens Snakebush
A low growing plant or creeper with white, pink or mauve flowers with purple dots near centre. An
elongated tubular flower with five petals; two semi-fused point up, two point down and a larger semi split petal at the
bottom. Shrub form has minimal or no hairiness. Prostrate form usually has hairy sharp pointed leaves. The
latter form has been named in some publications as Hemiandra pungens var. hispida. Seed pods forming in photo
above right
Above left at Cordering and above right at Bridgetown, and found near the coastline from Kalbarri to Hopetoun and
through the South West and Great Southern regions, extending into parts of the Wheatbelt. Prostrate form usually found
to the south of Perth.
Yellow flowers in the picture above left are Conostylis aculeata
Halgania anagalloides var Southern, Blue Bush, "Purple Haze"
A straggly low growing with purple-blue five petalled flowers and
a pointed dark blue fused stamen with yellow at base. Holly-like leaves have spikes on the edges.
Near Pingrup,
Great Southern region, Western Australia, and is found through the inland Wheatbelt, Great Southern, to the south coast, extending
east beyond Esperance
Helichrysum leucopsideum, Satin Everlasting
A small white everlasting daisy with a prominent risen centre
Katanning and Nyabing, Great Southern region, Western Australia, and is found through the southern Wheatbelt, Great Southern,
and into the Goldfields, extending east along the coast to beyond Esperance
Halgania cyanea var. cyanea now known as Halgania cyanea
A straggly low growing with blue five petalled flowers and a pointed
dark blue fused stamen with yellow at base. Long narrow leaves have a serrated edge
Near Peak Charles National Park, Western
Australia, and occurs in sandplains through the Goldfields, Great Southern, and Wheatbelt regions and extending into the inland
Murchison and desert areas