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HomeLists and Links > Nature in Australia > Alphabetical Wildflower Index > Wildflowers V2
Verticordia polytricha, Northern Cauliflower, White Feather-flowers 

White flowers with feathering surrounding these delicate small flowers on a spreading shrub with small elongated leaves in pairs along the stems 

Kalbarri, and occurs from Shark Bay to Geraldton
The similar Verticordia eriocephala, Cauliflower Verticordia, occurs through the Mid West region Western Australia and occurs through the Mid West, Wheatbelt and Great Southern regions and the south coast to Esperance  
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Verticordia monadelpha var. callitricha Pink Feather-flowers, Pink Verticordia, Pink Cauliflower, Pink Morrison, Pink Woolly Featherflower 

Small pink flowers with feathery petals surrounding these delicate small flowers on a spreading shrub. Buds are red.  Elongated slender succulent petals paired along the stems.


Kalbarri, and through the Mid West region Western Australia

Sources used for identification of wildflowers shown on these pages and regions where they occur see Credits
These pages will feature some of the wildflowers we have photographed in Western Australia, and where possible, identified.  If you are able to help identify further flowers, or correct any I may have wrong, please contact us.
Information given for each species will give botanical name, known common names, describe the flower, give time of year it flowered, and where it was photographed, and the areas it occurs in.  Names have been matched to Florabase which has also been used to show distribution.
See some of these wildflower in larger sized photos on our Flickr pages.
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Verticordia ovalifolia, Oval-leaved Featherflower

This is one of the larger Verticordias, with white or pink flowers on a shrub which can reach up to two metres high. These flowers may vary to red in the centre, and have five blunt ended feather tipped petals surrounded by feathering.  Small oval shaped leaves in pairs along the stems.  The photos here are of faded white flowers at the end of their season. 


Dragon Rocks Nature Reserve, Newdegate, Wheatbelt region, Western Australia, and occurs Dongara to Perth, and scattered through the Wheatbelt region

Verticordia eriocephala, Common Cauliflower, Common Featherflower, Lambswool, Wild Cauliflower

Small tightly packed white flowers with feathering surrounding these delicate five petalled flowers.   Flowers cover the low growing spread domes shrub, lining the roadsides like giant cauliflowers.  Small oval leaves paired along the stems


Pingrup, Great Southern Region, Western Australia, and found from Kalbarri to Esperance, through the Mid West, Wheatbelt, Great Southern and parts of the Goldfields regions

Verticordia tumida subsp tumida, Summer Featherflower

Bright fuchsia coloured cup shaped blooms along and towards the end of the stems, on a small open shrub with branching stems.  Five petals with feathering at tip, and flower surrounded by feathering.  Small oval leaves paired along the stems. 


Dragon Rocks Nature Reserve, Newdegate, Wheatbelt region, Western Australia, and found in the Wheatbelt region from Dalwallinu to Kulin. 

Verticordia picta, Painted Featherflower, China Cups

Five bright pink petals forming a cup shaped flower with feathering behind, on a small to medium sized shrub. Petals turn inward when flowers fade.  Elongated slender foliage paired along the stems. 

November, but at the end of the flowering season with many having already faded

Dragon Rocks Nature Reserve, Newdegate, Wheatbelt region, Western Australia, growing from Kalbarri to Bremer Bay, through the Mid West, Wheatbelt, parts of the Great Southern and Goldfields regions


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