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Whether entering the country, crossing state borders or meeting exclusion zones set up to protect a specific type of agriculture, there will be things you cannot bring. 


To find more about restrictions when coming to Australia, read Quarantine restrictions on entry or re-entry into Australia 


Internal quarantine zones and state borders

Some zones are staffed and all vehicles are stopped whereas others work on an honesty system or with part time inspectors.  What ever they are, please respect the requirements and be honest about what you are carrying. 
To find more about the various state and intra-state exclusions, see more information and links on our Quarantine pages here

Quarantine requirements, state borders and other zones
Driver's licence classes in Australia
Driver licencing is administered by the States, but classes are uniform across Australia.
Classes of driver's licence in Australia can be seen on this Queensland licensing website
or on this Victorian licensing website
For information on driving in Australia if you have an overseas licence driver's licence when visiting from overseas, see Driving with an overseas licence with links to the regulations in each state.   
Driver's licence classes in Australia
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Travel forums on the internet for information and friendship
Travel forums on the internet for information and friendship

The following internet forums are useful places to seek travel information, benefit from the experience of other travellers and make friendships with like minded travellers.  Sometimes informal group gatherings are announced.  Some of these are closed groups that you can only read of you join. 


General forums


Caravanners Forum The Forum for all Caravanners, Campers and Motorhomers. Large or small, we cover them all.  No fees apply.  An excellent resource with robust discussions and lots of information shared. 


ExplorOz A very comprehensive travel information website with a forum.  General use is free.  Membership fee applies for enhanced site features. 


The Grey Nomads forum


My Swag; a forum with an emphasis on travel with an off road camper trailer. 


Campervan and Motorhome Club of Australia Limited (CMCA) has a forum and has articles of interest to travellers.    Membership fees apply – qualifying people only may join.  Caravan owners may take out Associate Membership.


Vintage caravans and renovations have quite a following.  These forums target that group. 


For those with an interest in Vintage Caravans.  There are a number of beautifully restored units travelling all over Australia.   Also see Vintage Caravans ForumVintage caravans are those built prior to 1970.  


Classic caravans – a forum for those with much loved older caravans


For those who have an off road caravan (any brand) to take the adventurous way, share your stories on Off-Road Caravanning in Australia Facebook page. 


Brand specific groups and clubs are for sharing information and meeting up, some of which are hereunder.  Membership fees may apply to some.


For those with an interest in Bushtracker (top of the range off road/rough road caravans) see

Bushtracker Owner's Group There is an open forum which is free, and a member’s section with added features.  Membership fee required and membership open only to owners of Bushtracker caravans (whether purchased new or second hand), or those with a Bushtracker on order. 


For those with an interest in or owning Kedron caravans


Kimberley Karavan Owners Group has a forum on their website. Members who own or have on order a Kimberley Karavan may join. Much of the forum can only be accessed by members. 


Giest and other imported caravans have a Facebook group GEIRO


For those with an interest in or owning a Phoenix Caravans the Owners Group website was lost, and a discussion thread on the caravanners forum is the substitute.   


There are now Facebook groups for those with most brands of caravans as well as special interest groups.  Do a Facebook search for your brand.  They are usually closed groups that you have to join to see posts. 


Do you belong to an Australian travel forum or brand specific group that is worthy of mention on this page? If so, I would be happy to add it.  Please email me the details via the Contacts tab.

Caravan Parks, Camp Grounds and National Parks on line listing links
Caravan Park Chains and Groups - go to links in Discounts
Toll Roads and E-Tags - go to links in Trip Planning
National Park Passes - Links for each State - go to links in Trip Planning
Permits - Links on where to obtain permits - go to links in Trip Planning
Work and Volunteer Work - Helpful website links - go to links in Trip Planning
Road Rules - Links to Road Rules for each State - go to links in Safety
First Aid Courses - where to find out about these - go to links in Safety
Fires - where to find about Prohibited Burning Times - go to links in Safety
School Holidays - go to link in Trip Planning
Fuel - prices and availablity
Weather links
Motoring organisations in each State of Australia
Travel websites and Blogs we follow
Nature in Australia - links to help identify what you see
Internet user useful links
Power - where to find out about solar power, batteries and setting up your power
Towing - what you need to know
Fossicking and Mining 
Do it yourself builders - vehicle standards

Useful websites for travellers for information and fun

Dump point lists on line - go to links in lists section
Caravan manufacturers in Australia
Caravan manufacturers in Australia

These lists may not be complete or up to date.  Caravan, motorhome and camper trailer manufacturers may change from time to time due to new businesses commencing, and others going out of business.  There are also imported brands which may not included in these lists.  These links are a useful resource for comparing structures and features, even if you are not in the market for a new caravan or camper.  None give any recommendation of condemnation of any brand. 


A comprehensive list on Caravanners Forum Recreational Vehicle Listing The most comprehensive list of manufacturers of caravans, motorhomes, fifth wheelers and camper trailers




Fishing - where to find out about recreational fishing rules and licences in each state
Public Holidays - go to link in Trip Planning
Time Zones - Time zones and daylight saving in different Australian regions
Caravan Clubs
Driver's licences for seniors and those with specified medical conditions - go to links in Safety
Maintenance tips for caravanners
Main Roads Rest Areas
Main Roads Rest Areas

These roadside Rest Areas are on mains roads and highways.  There will also be rest areas along the majority of other roads in Australia.  Do not use rest areas dedicated to heavy haulage.  They need the room for their required rest stops.


Transport Departments or their equivalent in most states have Main Roads Rest Area on line brochures; click on the state name for a link. 


Western AustraliaMaps are at end of the linked brochure.  Some of these with pit toilet and dump point are popular overnight stops, even if they are not listed as 24 hour rest areas.  Additional minor highway rest areas can be seen here


South Australia. This map shows rest areas, but without any detail or descriptions.  RAA have an App for mobile devices available from RAA Rest Stop Locator


Northern Territory


Queensland for map format (select map for region visited; key is on Map 1)  or for table format as a brochure


New South Wales and an interactive map.




Tasmania – not available.

Pets in Parks - where you can go with your dog in National and State Parks 
Purchasing new or second hand - Helpful resources to assist you with what to look for
Fires - Bushfire emgergencies and alerts for each state
Tide times - check on tides for tidal river crossings and for fishing.  Alternative site for tides
Accident reporting - when is it required to report a vehicle accident in each state?  How do you do it? - go to links in Trip Planning
Wildflowers of Western Australia- a galley of photographs to help identify what you see

Australia So Much to See


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Road conditions and closures - Links for each State - go to links in Trip Planning
Photography - Simple programmes to improve your digital photos - go to links in Keeping it Simple

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