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For a growing directory of free and low cost campsites in towns and regions worth suppporting and contributed by people visiting these sites see: Caravanners Forum RV Friendly Towns and Regions


Wiki Camps is an app for iPhone and Android.  As it is generated by the public, there is no guarantee that camps listed are authorised or that they haven't subsequently been closed to camping.  Use with caution.  Caravan Parks, dump points, public showers and other resources are also being added by users. 


To find farm and station stays see some regional lists Western Australia’s Golden Outback, Western Australia’s Coral CoastQueensland Outback,South Australia Flinders Ranges and Outback. Not all have camping accommodation so check the listing.   


To find showground camping, go to Q. Is there a directory of showgrounds that offer camping?


Others useful sites include:


For personal reviews of free and low cost camps that we can recommend here


Many more authorised free and low cost options are and listedhere 


Facebook has many groups to join and share free and low cost campsites.  If you are on Facebook do a search for groups on camping.



On line listings for caravan parks and camp grounds

Resources listed have been discontinued.

To find out more about camping in National Parks, visit the following websites for each state:


Western Australia  Some of these require booking and this is noted in the linked list.   


Northern Territory


Queensland Some campgrounds require on line booking.  See here 


New South Wales Some campgrounds and cottage accommodation require on line booking.  See here

Covid update February 2021.  Booking is required for all NSW park campgrounds, regardless of fee or free. 


Australian Capital Territory


Victoria  A new fee structure was implemented 1st July 2014 andon line bookings are required, see News




South Australia A  booking system has been commenced with several parks now requiring booking, see News 


Note that several parks are federally administered, and these will not appear under each state. 

Commonwealth Parks  including -


Kakadu National Park


Private camp ground only at Yulara to see the  Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park

Ayers Rock Campground  

Nature in Australia – identification and informative websites and Apps

Animals: Australian Mammals, Mammals on OzAnimals


Ants: Australian Ants See also Insects and Invertebrates hereunder. 


Bats: Australian Bats


Birds: Australian Birds in Backyards, Australian Birds, Birdlife Australia,  Australian Bird Photos, Birds on OzAnimals. Apps: Michael Morcombe's Field Guide to Australian BirdsMichael Morcombe and David Stewart eGuide, Pizzey and Knight Birds of Australia (see also Fauna)


Butterflies: Australian Butterflies, Life Unseen Butterflies and Moths.


Centipedes and Millipedes: Australian Centipedes and Millipedes


Dangerous Creatures: Dangerous Australians,Australia's Top 30 dangerous creatures


Fish: Australian Fishes, Fish and Coral on OzAnimals 


Fauna state by state App for mobile devices Field Guide apps to Australian Fauna, Field Guide Apps (free)


Flora and Fauna various nature Apps Australian Geographic, Oz Atlas App (for iPhones and Android) 


Frogs: Frogs of AustraliaAustralian Frogs withan App, Frogs on OzAnimals


Fungi: Australian Fungi Website.  See our Fungi of Western Australia pages for more links and photos.  App from Fungi Oz


Insects including ants, beetles, bugs, butterflies and flies: Australian Insects, Insects on OzAnimals, Life Unseen, InsectsIn and around Brisbane 


Reptiles: Reptiles of Australia, Reptiles in AustraliaReptiles on OzAnimals, Australian Reptile Guide, Australian Reptile Online Database. For well illustrated snakes mainly from Western Australia see

 WA Snakes with Brian Bush


Spiders: Australian Spiders, Spiders on OzAnimals, Australian Spider PhotosSpiders & other arachnids


Weeds: Weed Identification


Wildflowers: See our Wildflowers of Western Australia pagesFlowering plant families of Australia (difficult site to use), West Australian WildflowersFlorabase - the Western Australia Floraand Apps Australian Wildflowers App (for iPhones and iPads) and Oz Atlas App (for iPhones and Android) 



Do consider that franchised outlets can change brands from time to time so if you require one brand only make up to date check.  Not all websites that list multiple brands are up to date.  Some outlets may be brand card only with no staff.  If chasing the 'cheapest' you may waste time and fuel to locate it in an industrial area, then find it is not open to the general public. 


BP Outlets To find BP outlets


Caltex Outlets Site Locator; including Woolworths Caltex outlets 


Shell Outlets To find Shell outlets


Coles Espress Outlets To find Coles Express outlets


Exxon Mobil Outlets To find Exxon Mobil outlets


Fuel stations on True Local All brands list which does not include roadhouses ourside of towns


Where can I fill with LPG? to find auto gas outlets brand by brand




Find fuel prices in South Australia South Australia, also has an app. 


Find cheapest fuel prices by location in Queensland Queensland, also has an app.


Find Fuel Prices in Victoria covering Melbourne and  Average prices in major towns


Fuel Watch WA See prices today and tomorrow in Western Australian towns statewide; out of town roadhouses and a number of rural towns not included.


Fuel Check NSW for mobile devices and desktop is being developed, but is not all encompassing as yet.


MyFuelNT for fuel prices in the Northern Territory.


Fuel Prices from Tasmania RACT also has an app.


Motormouth fuel prices Australia wide, but mainly confined to outlets in larger towns.  Also has an App. 


Fuel Map is an App for smart phones, and is built from user contributions.


Petrol Spy website and App for smart phones, relies on user contributions.  Also has an App. 







Fuel - prices and availablity

Read about different power sources here.  Solar is my preference. 


Living with Solar - understanding your solar system is currently unavailable on line, see instead


RV Solar Basics


Solar Panel Basics - beginners guide to solar panels


Solar Panel Types - Polycrystalline (or multicrystalline), Monocrystalline or Amorphous (or 'thin film')?


How much solar input? - to help you calculate your needs in the various climates in Australia


Power - where to find out about solar power, batteries and setting up your power
Towing - what you need to know

Towing regulations and speeds.  For more up to date and comprehensive speed limits for towing in each state see Speed limits state by state


Towing Guide - A new website is up and running, with a link to a downloadable e-book all about towing  


CIL Towing Handbook


Caravanning Tips - Weight Distribution Hitch explained


Safe Towing 


Towing guide from Transport Western Australia


Making Caravans Stable from Collyn Rivers


rvSafe brings you a number of videos on all aspects of safe towing




National Parks


Fossicking and Mining in each state

Travellers may have an interest in finding gemstones or opals, or hope to make their fortunes (or at least have a good find from time to time) prospecting for gold using a metal detector.  In most states a fossicking licence is necessary, and in some states, fossicking is for personal collecting only not for making profits or any form of commercial activity.  You may be required to pay a small fee in some states, whereas the licence is free in other states.  Check the links hereunder for details of any fees which may apply.  Specific areas apply and in most cases exclude private property and existing mineral leases.


Fossicking licences


Obtaining a fossicker's Licence in Queensland  


This site has more information about fossicker's licence in Queensland   


Where can you fossick in Queensland?


A licence is not required to fossick in the Northern Territory 


See  Declared fossicking areas. 


A licence is not required to fossick for gemstones in New South Wales 


Guide to fossicking in New South Wales


A licence is not required to fossick for gemstones in South Australia


Specimens may be collected for personal use, not for sale or commerical activities.


For details or where fossicking can be undertaken in South Australia  


In Victoria you are required to hold Miner's Right


More about fossicking in Victoria and  Land access rules 


In Western Australia  you require a Miner's Right


About Western Australian Miner's Rights   


Prospecting and Fossicking in the Goldfields Western Australia


No licence is required in Tasmania to fossick in specified areas for personal collecting


Fossicking areas are outlined here.  These areas are set aside for personal collecting, not commercial activities and no licence is required.  Conditions are specified in the  downloadable .pdf 2120 kb booklet.  


For a prospecting licence outside of the declared fossicking areas in Tasmania

Learn more about fossicking for gemstones in Australia


Some tourist ventures have an area for searching for gemstones, usually planted with a set amount of a certain quality of gems stones.  It gives the thrill of the search with an almost guaranteed ‘find’. 

Towing capacity and other specifications of vehicles can be found on Red Book
When using the above links, you will notice discrepancies with towing weight definitions.  See more about towing safely, correct loading and definitions of ATM, GTM, GCM, GVM, TARE, Ball weight and Payload in Safety: A correctly loaded rig when towing, where the definitions are correct.
Thanks to the contributor of this photo for sharing.  
Unfortunately he didn't strike it rich, but he enjoyed trying.

For free and low cost camp grounds on line visit the following links:

Australia So Much to See


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