Australia So Much to See
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New South Wales - Pilliga Forest, Dandry Gorge Loop Walk
At the end of the cliff top Sculptures walk, the trail went down to the floor of the gorge, on an easy path with some steps.
The cooler climate in the lee of the cliff supports vegetation needing moisture, such as fishbone fern and maiden hair fern.
From this point, you can rest a while and look up to the sculpture First Lesson, seen at the top of the cliff between the trees (at
left) and in more detail (above)
There are many Aboriginal sites found along the valley. There are grinding grooves where Aboriginal sharped their stone axes
and spears. The soft sandstone was an ideal surface for engraving symbols of importance. Looks for the Emu (Dinewan),
Wallaby (wan guy) and Kanagoroo (Bandarr) footprints. Hand stencil are the predominant rock paintings in the area, most are
in red ochre. There are also carved trees, scarred trees, artefacts and shelters.
Finally, there are a few steps to return us to the start of the trail and to the carpark and picnic area.
We continue our drives through the Timmallallie National Park and Pilliga Forest. Next we visit the Salt Caves to investigate
stories of earlier settlers going deep into a cave to collect salt, which hung like Stalactites. Was this story true, or was
it just a myth or legend? See the Next page