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HomeLists and Links > Nature in Australia > Alphabetical Wildflower Index > Weeds 3
Plants alien to Western Australia
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* Indicates a Declared Weed, which must be reported and eradicated.  However many of these are far too widespread and little control is being undertaken. 

Gazania linearis, Gazania, Treasure Flower, Treasure-Flower, Treasureflower, Tufted Gazania. This is a Declared weed in South Australia

   Gazania rigens, Coastal Gazania, Gazania, Treasure Flower, Treasure-Flower, Treasureflower. This is a Declared weed in South Australia

   Genista linifolia, and Genista linifolia, French Broom, Montpellier Broom, Cape Broom, Canary Broom, Flaxweed

Genista monspessulana, French Broom, Montpellier Broom, Cape Broom, Canary Broom

   Genista raetam, White Weeping Broom

Heliophila pusilla, a small flowered Brassica type weed, flowers with four petals

Hesperantha falcata (white or yellow six petalled flowers with long stamens, maroon buds becoming maroon or pink markings on backs of petals)

Ipheion uniflorum (formely Tristagma uniflorum), Spring Starflower, small white six petalled flower with line effect down the centre of the petals

Ipomoea indica, Morning Glory, Mile-a-minute.   Large deep blue flowers and tri-lobed leaves.  Similar is Ipomoea cairica, which has pinkish mauve flowers, Coast Morning Glory, Mile-a-minute. Leaves have five or seven narrow lobes.  


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Gladiolus angustus, Long Tubed Painted Lady

   Gladiolus cardinalis, a stunning vivid red Gladiolus with white marks.

Gladiolus caryophyllaceus, pink gladiolus, pink gladdies pink trumpet flower, pink wild gladiolus, wild gladiolus

Gladiolius tristis (cream/green Gladiolus)

Gladiolus undulatus, wavy gladiolus, gladiolus, large painted lady, large white Afrikaner, wild gladiolus, Wavy flowered Corn-flag.


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Hibiscus sabdariffa, Rosella or Wild Hibiscus (North West)






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Ixias, including Ixia maculata, yellow ixia, African corn lily, African cornlily, spotted African cornlily and Ixia polystachya, African corn lily, African cornlily, corn lily, variable ixia, white-and-yellow-flower cornlily, can also be found in white as well as a variety comforter colours, and Ixia paniculata, cream coloured flowers that open wide with blunt not pointed petal tips.

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Grammatotheca bergiana, A tiny wetlands preferring plant similar to Lobelia anceps flowers and foliage.  May also have winged stem like occurs on Lobelia anceps.  Photos above, taken with a digital microscope, may be Grammatotheca bergiana, as they were very like Lobelia anceps but much smaller, and found where a native plant would not be expected although the pointed petal shape indicates the native Lobelia anceps

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Gaura lindheimeri, Butterfly Bush (four petalled flowers with very long stamens, flowers up the stem in white or pink). May also be know as White Dove or Sparkle White. 

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Geranium molle, Cranesbill, Cranesbill Geranium, Dove's Foot, Dove's Foot Cranes Bill, Dove's Foot Crane-bill, Dove's Foot Cranesbill, Dovefoot Crane's Bill, Dovefoot Geranium, Dove's-foot, Dovesfoot, Dove's-foot Crane's-Bill, Dove's-foot Cranesbill, Dovesfoot Cranesbill, Dove's-foot Geranium, Soft Crane's-bill, Soft Cranesbill, Soft Geranium, Woodland Geranium.  Similar to Erodium (Corkscrew).


Hypochaeris radicata Flat-weed, Dandelion, Cat's ear weed

This is a larger plant and flower than Hypochaeris glabra

Above two Hypochaeris species can hybridise. 


Hordeum leporinum, and Hordeum glaucum, Barley grass

Similar to above but with wider spread awns, Hordeum marinum, Mediterranean barley, barley sea grass.


Hypochaeris glabra, Flat Weed, Smooth Cats-ear, Annual Flatweed.

The central seeds are elongated, striated and bottle shaped whereas the outer ones are shorter and broader with rows of bumps and more fluffiness in the sails.    
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* Gomphocarpus fruticosus, Narrow leaf cotton bush