Lavandula stoechas, Lavender
Leptospermopsis laevigatum (formerly Leptospermum laevigatum), Coastal Tea Tree, Victorian Coastal Tea Tree. This is a Declared weed in South Australia
Leucojum aestivum, Snowflake
Limonium hyblaeum, Sicilian Sea Lavender
Limonium lobatum, Winged Sea Lavender, Pale blue statice
Limonium sinuatum, Statice,
Perennial Sea Lavender, Wavyleaf Sea Lavender, Sea Lavender, Notch Leaf Marsh Rosemary, Sea Pink
Lactuca serriola, Prickly lettuce. Can grow to two metres tall.
Lathyrus tingitanus, Tangier pea
Lotus angustissimus, Narrowleaf Trefoil, Slender Birds-foot Trefoil. Also similar Lotus suaveolens, Hairy Birdsfoot Trefoil and Lotus
uliginosus, Greater Birdsfoot Trefoil
Lotus berthelotii, Trailing Lotus, Parrot's Beak, Scarlet Lotus
Lotus subbiflorus,Hairy Birdsfoot Trefoil
Linaria maroccana, Toadflax, Morrocan Toadflax, Clovenlip Toadflax, Annual Toadflax, Linaria, Spurred Snapdragon, Red Toadflax, Baby Snapdragon
* Lycium ferocissimum, African boxthorn: A Weed of National Significance
Lupinus albus, White Lupin
Lupinus angustifolius, Narrowleaf Lupin (blue flowers)
Lupinus cosentinii, a two-tone blue and white flower
Lupinus luteus, Yellow Lupin
Linum trigynum, French Flax
* Lantana camara, Lantana, common lantana
Lachenalia flava (prior to 2021 Lachenalia aloides), Soldier boys, Tin soldiers, Soldiers, Opal flower, Cape cowslip
Lachenalia bulbifera, (a red Lachenalia)
Lachenalia reflexa, Yellow soldier
Lolium There are a number of Ryegrass species established in Western Australia, the most well-known being:
Lolium perenne, Perennial ryegrass (photo at right), Lolium rigidum, Annual ryegrass, Wimmera Ryegrass and Lolium multiflorum, Italian ryegrass