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HomeLists and Links > Nature in Australia > Alphabetical Wildflower Index > Weeds 7
Plants alien to Western Australia

Tolpis barbata, Yellow hawkweed

Trachyandra divaricata, Strapweed, Dune Onion Weed. This is a Declared weed in South Australia

Tribulus terrestris, Caltrop, Bindii, Dubblegee, Cat's Head, Goat's Head, Yellow Vine

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* Indicates a Declared Weed, which must be reported and eradicated.  However many of these are far too widespread and little control is being undertaken. 

Ursinia anthemoides, Ursinia, common parachute daisy, marigold, South African marigold, ursinia weed.

Verbascum virgatum, Mullein, Twiggy Mullein, Green Mullein, and other Verbascum species (Toxic)







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Urospermum picroides, Prickly goldenfleece, False Hawkbit.  (Thistle with bullous ‘striped’ base of flower) 

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Vinca major, Blue Periwinkle

Verbesina encelioides, Golden Crownbeard, Cowpen Daisy. Bright golden daisy flower.  A serious weed in the Mid West


Vicia benghalensis, Purple Vetch

Vicia sativa, Vetch, Common Vetch, Garden Vetch, Tare Vetch

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Vellereophyton dealbatum (syn. Gnaphalium coarctatum, Gnaphalium candidissimum), White Cudweed





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Veronica persica, creeping speedwell, birdeye speedwell, common field-speedwell, Persian speedwell, large field speedwell, bird's-eye or winter speedwell.  Flowers very small.
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Trifolium angustifolium, Narrowleaf Crimson Clover, Narrow Clover and Narrow-Leaved Clover


Trifolium arvense, Hare's Foot Clover,Rabbit’s Foot Clover

Trifolium campestre, Hop Clover, Hop Trefoil


Trifolium hirtum, Rose Clover


Trifolium michelianum, Balansa clover


Trifolium repens, clover, Dutch clover, honeysuckle clover, ladino clover, purplewort, shamrock, white clover, white Dutch clover, white trefoil

Trifolium subterraneum, subterranean clover
Tropaeolum majus, Nasturtium, Garden Nasturtium
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Tamarix aphylla, Athel Pine, Tamarix, Tamarisk

Talinum paniculatum, (Claytonia paniculata, Claytonia patens, Helianthemoides patens, Portulaca paniculata, Portulaca patens, Ruelingia patens, Talinum dichotomum, Talinum patens), Fame Flower, Jewels of Opar, Pink Baby's Breath.


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Tetragonia decumbens, Sea Spinach, Dune Spinach. Tiny yellow flowers on a prostrate plant with edible succulent leaves
