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These pages will feature some of the wildflowers we have photographed in Western Australia, and where possible, identified.  If you are able to help identify further flowers, or correct any I may have wrong, please contact us.
Information given for each species will give botanical name, known common names, describe the flower, give time of year it flowered, and where it was photographed, and the areas it occurs in.  Names have been matched to Florabase which has also been used to show distribution.
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341_caladenia_falcata_fringed_mantis_dscf8202.jpg 341_caladenia_falcata_fringed_mantis_dscf8126.jpg
Caladenia falcata Fringed Mantis, Green Spider Orchid
A spider orchid with slender green or yellow petals striped with red. The yellow wide red tipped labellum has long side fringes. A red curled tip to the labellum.  Similar to Caladenia attingens, but slightly larger, and with the red calli not extending to the red tip of the labellum.
Gnowangerup, Great Southern Region, Western Australia and found through the Wheatbelt, Great Southern and parts of the Goldfield regions, and in limited areas of the South West. 
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Caladenia ensata, Stumpy Spider Orchid

A medium to small spider orchid with cream to green petals which may have a faint red stripe down them, yellow clubbed ends and a fringed labellum with a dark red tip. This one lacks the red on the petals.  Dark red thick calli cover the red part of labellum and extend in a strip into the throat. 


Bridgetown, South West Region, Western Australia, preferring winter wet areas.  Usually found near the coast around Augusta, Denmark and Albany.  

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Caladenia dorrienii, Cossack Spider orchid

This species is classified as Threatened due to the limited number of places it is found.
A short and small spider orchid with cream petals in a distinctive form of petals curled under, reminiscent of the style of Cossack dancers. Petals have red tips. The labellum is white and triangular with short calli, and fringes are reduced to white pointed serrations on the labellum edge.  Stems and leaves are hairy. Buds are cream with red stripes along them.   

Found in only a few limits sites in the shires of Beverley, Boyup Brook, Cranbrook, Kojonup, and Wagin, favouring damp soils and winter wet areas. 
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Caladenia filifera, Blood Spider Orchid

A deep red slender Spider orchid which tends to grow in tight clumps.  Darker red petal extensions.  Labellum is all red with darker edges and lines, and short stumpy fringes.  Column tip is cream or yellow. Stem is hairy, and some hairiness on leaf (below left). 


Goomalling, and found between Wongan Hills and Mount Barker (Plantagenet shire), and east to Merredin.
Caladenia filifera hybrid 
Caladenia filifera crossed with a white or lighter coloured Spider orchid, species unknown.
Seen in August at Goomalling amongst Caladenia filifera.