Caladenia longicauda subsp. redacta, (at right) Tangled Spider Orchid, White Spider Orchid (one of many)
A medium sized White Spider Orchid with long slender petals. Plants often produce two or more flowers per stem and stand up to sixty centimetres tall.
Boyup Brook (Dinninup), South West region, Western Australia and occurs from York in the Wheatbelt to Mount Barker in the Great Southern region, and South West recordings in the Shires of Boyup Brook and Bridgetown-Greenbushes.
Caladenia longicauda subsp. eminens, Stark White Spider orchid (to right and below)
A medium sized White Spider Orchid with long slender
petals on a tall stem. These stand up to forty centimetres tall with some subspecies to sixty centimetres tall. Red calli
and long red fringes on labellum
September October
Bridgetown and Boyup Brook (Mayanup and Tonebridge), South West region, Western Australia and occurs Shark Bay to Esperance, through the Wheatbelt, Great Southern, Mid West, South West, and into the Goldfields
Caladenia latifolia, Pink fairy orchid, Pink Sun orchid, Pink Lady orchid.
Pink, varying from pastel pink to a bright pink, five
petals, lower petals more extended proportionally than Caladenia reptans. One or two flowers per stem. Often flowers a softer
pink colour than the typical bright pink of Caladenia reptans. Can also be found in pure white. Coloured labellum
tip is usually V shaped at the top. Petals longer and thinner than Caladenia reptans. Inner side of wings at top of column
usually dark. Back of foliage is green, with leaf wider and more oval shaped than Caladenia reptans; latifolia meaning
broad leafed.
This flower was found in the Bridgetown area which is outside of its recorded range, occurring mainly
in the coastal strips of the Mid West, Coastal Wheatbelt, Perth, South West, Great Southern regions, and further along the south
Caladenia longicauda subsp. albella, Small-lipped White Spider Orchid
A large white Spider orchid, although one of the smaller of the
Caladenia longicauda subspecies. Petals have green tip extensions. Calli and the long labellum fringes are a deep red, and fringes
have a white tip, which is typical of the Caladenia longicauda subspecies. Green column cap. A hairy leaf.
Wongan Hills, which is further east of the range shown on Florabase, where it is shown occurring between Eneabba (Carnamah
shire) and Gingin shire, and inland to Moora, favouring winter wet or swampy areas and creeklines.