Caladenia footeana, Crimson Spider Orchid.
A small red Spider orchid with white at the start of the petals. A wide
white labellum with dark red striping, tall dark red tipped calli and short dark fringes. Hairy stem and leaves.
Merredin (above left) and Dinninup (above right), and occurs in the Mid West, Wheatbelt, and Great Southern regions, and the inland South West with an occurrence recorded in the Esperance Goldfields region.
Caladenia hirta subsp. hirta, Candy orchid or Sugar Candy orchid
A mainly white orchid, sometimes pale pink, with petals held wide
rather than drooping. Brown on petals tips and backs of petals, maroon or dark pink calli and short fringes on labellum. Stems
can be tall. A single hairy leaf, and a hairy stem.
Mayanup (Boyup Brook shire), and found in near coastal areas between
Jurien Bay and Albany, and inland areas from Moora to Quairading to Borden, in the Wheatbelt and Great Southern regions.
Caladenia hirta subsp. rosea, Pink Candy Orchid
A pink orchid, shades of pink vary, with petals held wide rather than drooping. Brown on petals tips and backs of petals, maroon or dark pink calli and short fringes on labellum. Smaller and short than Caladenia
hirta subsp. hirta. A single leaf with short hairs, particularly around the edges, and a hairy stem.
Photographed at Merredin
(at right), Bunjil Rock (Perenjori shire) and Wongan Hills (above left). Found in the Mid West, Wheatbelt, Great Southern, and
Esperance Goldfields regions, with an outlier west of Manjimup (in Nannup shire) in the South West.
Caladenia incensum, Glistening Spider Orchid
This was named in 2001 after being recognised as a separate species within the previously
known Caladenia vulgata. Note Caladenia vulgata was at this time split between Caladenia varians and Caladenia incensum.
A stark glistening white Spider orchid, with red markings on the labellum, white calli, and fringes with blunt ends. Column has a
green pointed tip. Leaf is short and wide.
Caladenia incrassata, Puppet orchid, Puppet Clown orchid (Joker orchid around Perenjori)
This and similar orchids have lower petals
like legs in striped pantaloons, and clubbing like feet. The labellum is wide and likened to a clowns collar. The upper petals are
small and curved, like arms. The column completes the figure as the head. Leaf is long, and stem is relatively short on this
small orchid.
Latham (Perenjori shire), and found in a small area of the state within the Menzies, Mount Marshall,
Perenjori, Yalgoo, Yilgarn shires.