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Sources used for identification of wildflowers shown on these pages and regions where they occur see Credits
These pages will feature some of the wildflowers we have photographed in Western Australia, and where possible, identified.  If you are able to help identify further flowers, or correct any I may have wrong, please contact us.
Information given for each species will give botanical name, known common names, describe the flower, give time of year it flowered, and where it was photographed, and the areas it occurs in.  Names have been matched to Florabase which has also been used to show distribution.
See some of these wildflower in larger sized photos on our Flickr pages.
HomeLists and Links > Nature in Australia > Alphabetical Wildflower Index > Wildflowers D-1b
Darwinia capitellata, was named as a separate species to Darwinia diosmoides in 1983, and grows further north than the range of Darwinia diosmoides.
A medium shrub with ball shaped clusters of small pale pink tubular five petalled flowers with an elongated pink style and a number of short black tipped stamens.  Short succulent leaves.
Kalbarri National Park, Mid West, Western Australia, and occurs in the Mid West, northern Wheatbelt and Murchison regions. 
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Dampiera sacculata, Pouched Dampiera
A rich blue Dampiera flower which has three "double" petals pointed downwards and two shorter petals pointing upwards.  Sprays of flower heads from a small sprawling plant
Near Peak Charles National Park in sandplains, and found Great Southern, southernmost Goldfields and into the Wheatbelt regions

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Darwinia vestita, Pom-pom Darwinia
A small shrub with ball shaped clusters of small pale pink tubular five petalled flowers with a protruding elongated white style.  Very short succulent leaves tightly packed along the stems.
Tarin Rock Nature Reserve, Wheatbelt Region, Western Australia, and occurs in the lower South West, Great Southern, southern parts of the Wheatbelt Regions, and along the coastal strip to Esperance. 
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Darwinia diosmoides

A small shrub with a tight flower cluster of tiny white and pink five petaled flowers at the top at stems.  Flowers have a deep centre and a long protruding style with a pink bottlebrush-like tip. Ten dark tipped anthers surround the deep centre of the flower.  Foliage is dense along the stems with succulent finger-like leaves. 

Seen in March here finishing flowering, but can flower most months of the year

Albany, Great Southern region, Western Australia, and occurs through the Great Southern into the southern Wheatbelt, and along the coast from Albany to Esperance.

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Dampiera teres, Terete-leaved Dampiera, Bushy Dampiera

A small bushy Dampiera with pale blue or purple flowers which have three frilled edge petals pointed downwards and two shorter petals pointing upwards.  Centres of flowers pale yellow.  Leaves are narrow and in a pale blue-aqua.  


Marchagee Nature Reserve, Wheatbelt region, Western Australia, and can be found in the coastal strip between Perth and Geraldton, and extending into the northern Wheatbelt. 

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Dampiera salahae

A rich blue Dampiera flower with serrated edges to the flower petals.  Stems and sepals (buds) are hairy, giving a greyish-blue appearance to the plant.  Leaves are oval and not hairy. 


Gutha, Shire of Morawa, Mid West region, Western Australia.  Found in the Mid West between Northampton and Perenjori, with a few sightings further south into the Wheatbelt region.   

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Dasypogon bromeliifolius, Pineapple Bush, Drumsticks

A large plant with strip leaves growing from the base, which for this species remains at ground level.   A ball coated with tiny white flowers grows from a tall stem which is coated in fibres. 

Northcliffe, and grows around the coastal fringe from Jurien Bay to the Fitzgerald River national park, not extending very far inland. 

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Daucus glochidiatus, Australian Carrot, Carrot Burrs

Tiny white, pink, purple or red flowers in small clusters.  Ferny leaves opposite each other, mostly at the base of the plant.  Burrs with hooked spines form.   

October November

Bridgetown, and is found over most of the state with the exception of the far north, and is found in most states of Australia.