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HomeLists and Links > Nature in Australia > Alphabetical Wildflower Index > Wildflowers S-2
Sources used for identification of wildflowers shown on these pages and regions where they occur see Credits
These pages will feature some of the wildflowers we have photographed in Western Australia, and where possible, identified.  If you are able to help identify further flowers, or correct any I may have wrong, please contact us.
Information given for each species will give botanical name, known common names, describe the flower, give time of year it flowered, and where it was photographed, and the areas it occurs in.  Names have been matched to Florabase which has also been used to show distribution.
To see more Western Australian Wildflowers, see WA Now and Then Wildflower Gallery  
See some of these wildflower in larger sized photos on our Flickr pages.
Scholtzia laxiflora
Five petalled pink blossoms on a bush with small leaves close along the stems.
Kalbarri, Mid West region, Western Australia and occurs in the coastal strip from Kalbarri to Lancelin
Schoenia cassiniana Pink everlasting, Pink Paper Flowers
Clusters of pink multi petal flowers on short stems, opening in intense pink and fading to white. 
Mullewa, Mid West region, Western Australia, and occurs through the Mid West, Murchison, northern Wheatbelt, Golfields regions, and inland deserts.
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Senecio pinnatifolius var. pinnatifolius, (at left)
A low growing sprawling bush with bright golden yellow daisy flowers with orange centres.  Leaves are small and very narrow.
Peak Charles National Park, and scattered occurrences around the coast between Esperance and Onslow, as well within the South West, Great Southern, Wheatbelt, Mid West and Goldfields regions.
Senna artemisioides subsp.  xartemisioides, (formerly Cassia artemisioides 1989)
A bushy shrub with bright yellow five petalled flowers, with dark brown stamens.  Leaves are elongated and narrow.
August September
Newman Rocks near Balladonia, and scattered throughout the inland and south coastal area, excluding the far north and the Kimberley, also excluding a wide strip down the western side of the state. 
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Senecio hispidulus, Hispid Fireweed, Hill Fireweed, or Rough Groundsel
A spindly upright plant with yellow thistle-like flowers, and some irregular elongated leaves near the base of the plant.
Bridgetown, South West region, Western Australia and found in the lower South West region, and around the coast to Albany.   
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Senecio glomeratus subsp glomeratus
A tall upright plant with small yellow thistle-like flowers, and thistle-like leaves up the stem, which may be up to 1.4 metres tall
Bridgetown, South West region, Western Australia and found in the lower South West region, and the lower Great Southern region around Albany.   
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Senecio pinnatifolius (above and below)
Bright yellow daisy flowers.  Leaves are elongated and sightly serrated on the edges.
Above left at Eucla and above right along the Hyden-Norseman Road, Goldfields region, and below left from the Pinnacles Desert near Cervantes and below right from the Nilgen Nature Reserve near Lancelin, both near the coast to the north of Perth.  Senecio pinnatifolius occurs around the coastline around the coast from Eucla to Exmouth, and can occur through much of the state, with the exception of the Kimberley and the inland deserts
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Scholtzia denticulata, (incorporating the former Scholtzia sp. Ross Graham Lookout and Scholtzia sp. Murchison River). 
Small pink flowers with ten stamens around an orange/red centre, along branchlets on a low growing shrub.  Leaves widening to a rounded apex, with slight notching along the edge.  Leaves are paired along the stems. 
This is a priority 2 species which is only known to occur in the Kalbarri National Park, Mid West region, Western Australia.    
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