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Sources used for identification of wildflowers shown on these pages and regions where they occur see Credits
These pages will feature some of the wildflowers we have photographed in Western Australia, and where possible, identified.  If you are able to help identify further flowers, or correct any I may have wrong, please contact us.
Information given for each species will give botanical name, known common names, describe the flower, give time of year it flowered, and where it was photographed, and the areas it occurs in.  Names have been matched to Florabase which has also been used to show distribution.
See some of these wildflower in larger sized photos on our Flickr pages.
HomeLists and Links > Nature in Australia > Alphabetical Wildflower Index > Wildflowers D-2
Daviesia preissii 
A very small elongated yellow and orange pea flower on a small bush with modified leaves (phyllodes) which terminate in a spine.
Bridgetown, South West  Region, Western Australia and occurs from the coast strip from north of Perth, through to Busselton with scattered occurrences in the South West, Great Southern and parts of the Wheatbelt regions
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Daviesia cordata, Bookleaf Pea
A large yellow and orange pea flower which grows in clusters from stem where the large leaves grow, on tall and bushy shrubs
Bridgetown, South West  Region, Western Australia and occurs through the Perth, South West, Great Southern and parts of the Wheatbelt regions
Photo at right showing coloured veins on rear of flowers.
Daviesia decurrens, Prickly Bitter-pea
Prolific small red or orange pea flowers along stems of a bush with modified leaves (phyllodes) which terminate in a point.  These phyllodes do not show a division the stem, being decurrens. Triangular seed pods typical of all Daviesia species.
July August
Bridgetown, South West Region, Western Australia and occurs in the Mid West, Perth, South West, Great Southern, and Wheatbelt regions, extending into the Goldfields
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Photos above show seed pods forming, in a clam shell like cover, with photo at right showing pods after seed distribution.
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Daviesia incrassata subsp. incrassata, Thorny Bitter-pea
Photos above are most likely Daviesia incrassata rather than the very similar Daviesia decurrens.   
Prolific small orange pea flowers along stems of a bush with modified leaves (phyllodes) which terminate in a point.  Seed pods at right
July to September
Bridgetown, South West Region, Western Australia and occurs in the Coastal Northern Wheatbelt and Southern Wheatbelt, Perth, South West, Great Southern, extending to Esperance
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Daviesia angulata, Bitter pea (member of the large Pea family Fabaceae)
A small yellow and orange pea flower with a rounded "bonnet" shape on a bush with modified leaves (phyllodes) which terminate in a spine.
Lancelin, coastal Wheatbelt, Western Australia and occurs from the coast strip north of Perth, through parts of the Perth, South West, Great Southern and Wheatbelt regions.
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Daviesia lancifolia, Bitter-pea
A very small rounded yellow and orange flower on a sprawling semi-prostrate shrub, with small oval blue green leaves coming to a tip with a spike.  Slight indentation on edges near the tip
Kulin, Wheatbelt Region, Western Australia and occurs from the coast strip from north of Perth, through to Busselton with scattered occurrences in the South West, Great Southern and parts of the Wheatbelt regions

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Daviesia uncinata

A very small yellow and orange flower on a small bush with modified leaves (phyllodes) terminating a curved top to a spine.  It grows in a dense shrub with many branching stems. 

Daviesia uncinata is a Priority Three flora, due to the limited numbers of locations it has been found in. 


Lake Grace district, south of Newdegate, Wheatbelt Region, Western Australia, and is found mainly in the southern parts of the Wheatbelt. 


Daviesia grahamii

A yellow pea flower with central red and yellow markings. Flowers along stems, with small modified foliage. Sprawling habit. 


Latham, Perenjori Shire, Mid West region, Western Australia, and found in the Mid West, northern Wheatbelt and into the Goldfields.   
Identification not certain