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HomeLists and Links > Nature in Australia > Alphabetical Wildflower Index > Weeds 5
Plants alien to Western Australia
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* Indicates a Declared Weed, which must be reported and eradicated.  However many of these are far too widespread and little control is being undertaken. 

Pinus pinaster, Pine Tree, Maritime Pine, Cluster Pine



Oxalis pes-caprae, Sour Sob, African wood sorrel, African wood-sorrel, African woodsorrel, Bermuda buttercup, buttercup oxalis, Cape cow-slip, Cape cowslip, Cape sorrel, drooping wood sorrel, Englishweed, large yellow soursob, oxalis, shamrock, sorrel, sour grass, sourgrass, soursob, soursobs, soursop, soursops, South African wood sorrel, variable wood sorrel, variable wood-sorrel, wild sorrel, wood sorrel, yellow flowered oxalis, yellow sorrel, yellow sour-grass, yellow-flowered oxalis

Oxalis purpurea, (Oxalis glabra and Oxalis bowiei are also similar) 4 o'clock, four o'clock, grand duchess, large flower wood sorrel, large-flower wood sorrel, largeflower wood sorrel, large-flower wood-sorrel, large-flowered wood sorrel, large-flowered wood-sorrel, large-leaf wood-sorrel, one o'clock, one-o'clock, purple oxalis, purple wood sorrel, purple woodsorrel, sorrel

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Oenothera drummondii, Beach Evening Primrose, and several other coastal Oenothera species.

Oenothera stricta, Common Evening Primrose (roadside through Wheatbelt and Great Southern)

Oligocarpus calendulaceus, Osteospermum calendulaceum, Calendula parviflora, Oligocarpus tripteroides



Oncosiphon piluliferum, formerly Pentzia globifera, Globe matricaria, Globe Chamomile, Stinknet, Matricaria   Oncosiphon suffruticosum is similar and is known as Calomba Daisy, Shrubby Mayweed, Chamomile, Matricaria, Mayweed, Sheepbush, Stinking Daisy, Stinking Weed, Yellow Top, Yellow Weed, Pentzia


Ornithogalum thyrsoides, Chincherinchee (white cluster pointed head, highly toxic)


Ornithopus compressus, Yellow Serradella

Orobanche minor, Lesser Broomrape, The Hellroot, Common Broomrape, Lesser Broomrape, Small Broomrape, Clover Broomrape

Osteospermum ecklonis, (formerly Dimorphotheca ecklonis), African Daisy, Veldt Daisy, Cape Marigold, Cape Marguerite

Oxalis corniculata, creeping woodsorrel, procumbent yellow sorrel, sleeping beauty, creeping oxalis, yellow wood-sorrel. Oxalis corniculata var. atropurpurea refers to the purple colouring of the foliage. 

Parentucellia latifolia, common bartsia, red bartsia, broadleaf glandweed, red tarweed, southern red bartsia


Portulaca oleracea, Purslane, Common Purslane, Pigweed, Black Pigweed, Duckweed, Munyeroo. Verdolaga, Red Root, Hogweed, Pursley. A variable plant across Australia that may include native and introduced forms. Edible. 



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* Phytolacca americana, Pokeweed, Poke berry (a new arrival, fast spreading, purple berries, toxic), also can be known as Scoke, Red Ink Plant, Pigeonberry, Inkberry, Garget, Common Pokeweed, Coakum, Cancer Jalap, Virginia Poke, American Pokeweed, American Cancer. Large leaves and sprays of berries hang down.


Plantago lanceolata

Petrorhagia dubia, Velvet Pink, wild carnation

Pelargonium capitatum, Rose Pelargonium, Coastal Pelargonium
Pelargonium alchemilloides, garden geranium, lady's mantle-leaf pelargonium

Podalyria sericea, Cape Sweetpea, Silver Sweetpea, Satin Bush, Pastel pink pea flowers, oval light green leaves with a furry surface giving silvery appearance.

Polygala myrtifolia, Myrtleleaf Milkwort.  A common purple flowered shrub in coastal areas Perth to Albany. This is a Declared weed in South Australia. 

Psoralea pinnata, African Scurfpea, Taylorina, Blue Butterfly-bush, Dally Pine (NZ), Fountain Bush (SA).  Grows to five metres with purple and white pea flowers in a ring around branch tips.  
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Oxalis incarnata, Pale-flowered Oxalis, Pale Wood Sorrel

Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa, large flowered pink sorrel, large-flowered pink-sorrel, lilac oxalis, pink shamrock, pink wood sorrel, pink wood-sorrel, pink woodsorrel, violet wood-sorrel, violet woodsorrel. Flowers from pink to magenta. 

Oxalis glabra, Finger-leaf Oxalis. Similar to Oxalis purpurea but with finer leaves

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Polygonum aviculare, Wireweed, also known in different countries as Wiregrass, Common Knotgrass, Prostrate knotweed, Lowgrass, Bridweed, Birdgrass, Pigweed, Hogweed, Doorweed, Waygrass, Kneity-knot, Bird's tongue, Blackstrap, Pigrush, Nine-joints, Cow grass.

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Phytolacca octandra, Inkweed.  Similar to Pokeweed, but sprays of berries are more upright. 
